Monday, August 6, 2012

How to choose an e-book reader?

Now almost at any store of consumer electronics they have entire shelves filled with e-book readers, or as they also called – just “readers”. Of course, many people want to read comfortably without having to carry thick paper books all the time. How do you read in so many products offered? About this is that article.

Books can be divided into two categories: brand and noname. Brand - those which produce famous firms, they did not appear yesterday, and tomorrow will not go away. Noname – these books from unknown manufacturers, who in the pursuit of quick profits put together something on a knee and trying to sell, these can suddenly disappear and you will be left with nothing.

Here are the differences between brand electronic books and cheap trash:

  1. Have a much higher quality material and workmanship;
  2. Have advanced tech support. You can download the new firmware version, but not say so on noname-models;
  3. The quality of the user interface and firmware are far higher;
  4. Wider set of functional;
  5. Battery life is much longer;
  6. Distributing large, so you can always learn something about your book on the Internet;
  7. Broader list of supported formats of books.

One can enumerate the list further, but that is enough to convince your choice to qualitative things.

It should be noted that sellers sometimes under the guise of an e-book trying to sell something like an electronic photo frame on the low-quality TFT-LCD. Of course, reading such a book is impossible, since it is not designed for this. It ruthlessly reduces your vision, heats such as iron and quickly discharged. If you want to read comfortably, and long battery life, look for models with e-ink display (electronic ink). They have a higher sharpness and is not blinking, that is, their reading is comparable to reading a regular book.

Among the branded books mentioned are Nook and Kindle. 2 years ago I ordered a Kindle 3, I use it constantly and has not regretted.

Books can also be read on a Tablet PC, for example, iPad or Samsung Galaxy. However, to read comfortably there should be not just good, but very high-quality screen. I read books on the iPad, and I think it is quite acceptable.

In any case, high-quality book will increase your wisdom and erudition at times. You may think the money invested in the purchasing of an e-book, as an investment in your development. In addition, e-book is a great gift.


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