Sergey Lysenko

You are reading the blog of Sergey Lysenko.

He is a web programmer. Leads a team of web-developers at SMS-Automation Business Group. Specializes in PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, interested in Java, ECM-systems (Alfresco).

He is a certified PHP developer (Zend Certified Engineer)

In his spare time he enjoys the fine art. His spouse, Tamara Lysenko — is an artist, and has got her own site: Sergey also does not forget to train his skills in piano.

Almost all his free time he gives to personal, spiritual, professional growth and self-development. With Kindle 3 reads a lot of books in Russian and English.

Sergey supports this website in order to help the Internet community. Maybe someone will be interested in his experience in the field of different technologies, and just useful things on his mind.


Email: — on any issues. — on Twitter; — on VK; — on Facebook; — on LinkedIn;

lysenko.s — on Skype;