Friday, September 30, 2011

Alfresco Desktop actions in CIFS

When enabling the CIFS subsystem, users are given the opportunity to mount a network drive with the materials, located in Alfresco. Thoughtful system allows them to do a certain standard actions with the network files, which are usually made in the web-interface. Implied that this will speed up the routine and reduce the number of unproductive calls to the web interface. Alfresco does this by inserting into each directory service files, which are visible only when working with CIFS: __CheckInOut.exe, __ShowDetails.exe and __Alfresco.url. This can be confusing for some users, besides, they can simply copy them to their workstation, and overwhelm the technical support with questions. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to prevent Alfresco generate service files when working with CIFS.

The purpose of the Alfresco's service files:

__Alfresco.url – moves user to this folder in the Alfresco web-interface (not Share);

__ShowDetails.exe – when you drag a file on it, this exe redirects you to a page with file details in Alfresco web-interface;

__CheckInOut.exe – when you drag on this exe, it blocks the file for other users editing, but for the current user it will create a working copy.

To remove them, you should edit the file-servers-context.xml file, located in WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/subsystems/fileServers/default/ (for more explanation about this, see There you should comment out (or remove) the parts of XML-markup:

<property name="URLFileName">

<bean class="org.alfresco.filesys.repo.desk.CheckInOutDesktopAction">
  <property name="name">
  <property name="filename">

<bean class="org.alfresco.filesys.repo.desk.JavaScriptDesktopAction">
  <property name="name">
  <property name="filename">
  <property name="scriptName">
  <property name="attributeList">
  <property name="preprocess">

Now, when users will be working with CIFS, they will not see the service files of Alfresco.

1 comment:

  1. Can be configured out, but if the server has to handle different clients then this is an enhancement, if anything.

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